Audiovisual explorations and handmade electronics


Introduction | Workshop examples

I regularly conduct hands-on workshops on various aspects of sound hacking, synth DIY and music electronics. Having conducted more than 100 workshops on music electronics, synthesizers and circuit bending I have a lot of experience in conducting workshops ranging from a single hour to courses spanning several weeks.
Look further down for specific workshop examples.
For booking inquiries: valdemar AT ekkoflok.dk or visit the contact section.
Sound hacking workshop at Container By Detours
(above) Sound hacking workshop at Container By Detours, Nørrebro, 29th of April, 2017 . We had a great day with DIY synth building (mostly CMOS photo theremins) and later DIY pizzas too!

Examples of workshops:

(above) Synth building workshop at the Trailer Park festival 2015

(above) Step sequencer workshop the weekly synth hacking in the Copenhagen Music Maker Space. Every thursday from 17-21, Blågårds Plads 5.